Crop nutrition

Soil as the substrate for plant growing represents the largest chemical industry in the world. Proper growth and development of plants requires a balance of nutritious elements found in soil.

According to the physiological role, elements are divided into macro (essential) and microelements.

Macroelements can be divided into primary and secondary macroelements. Primary macroelements are those without which plants can neither grow nor develop, as plants would not be able to complete vegetative and reproductive phases of their life cycle without them they contain larger quantities of them. The most important of these are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K).

According to their role, secondary macroelements are the same as primary macroelements but plants require smaller quantities of them. These include sulfur (S), magnesium (Mg), and calcium (Ca).Some secondary elements are dominant in determining the yield of a given culture.

Microelements are elements whose presence enhances and complements efects of macroelements and their presence is also favorable for plant life. These include boron (B), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo), iron (Fe), and zinc (Zn).Their presence in certain metabolic functions gives them an important role in the plant nutrition process.



NITROGEN is a primary macroelement which, directly or indirectly, affects every plant process. This element belongs to the group of yield elements because it significantly influences the yield level and its key role is reflected in the production of chlorophyll and protein synthesis, thereby greatly affecting the quality of the product itself.

In the soil, nitrogen has the form of organic and mineral compounds. Organic nitrogen is found in humus and its accessibility to plants is conditioned by the mineralization process.

Mineral nitrogen in the soil includes ammonia, nitrate and amide nitrogen, while plants most easily adopt nitrogen in ammonia and nitrate forms:

  • Ammonia nitrogen – The most accessible form which young plants bring directly into dry matter.
  • Nitrate nitrogen – Available to plants immediately with almost immediate effect.
  • Amide nitrogen – Urea contains nitrogen in amide form which gradually transforms into nitrate and ammonia forms in the soil, which are then readily available to plants.

Elixir Zorka complex fertilizers contain nitrogen in ammonia and nitrate forms which ensures adequate nutrition of crops.


PHOSPHORUS belongs to the group of primary macroelements, it has a structural role as it is found in the composition of many organic compounds found in plants. Phosphorus is very important for plant fertilization as well as for good rooting and strengthening of the root system. Plants adopt phosphorus throughout their growth and development, most intensely at the beginning of vegetation. The quantity of easily accessible phosphorus is very important for plant nutrition (available or soluble phosphorus which is mainly phosphorus in the soil solution in the form of easily soluble salts).

Elixir Zorka complex mineral fertilizers contain highly water-soluble phosphorus, which guarantees a significant amount of available and easily accessible phosphorus for all soil types.


POTASSIUM belongs to macro regulatory elements and does not form part of plant organic compounds. There is more potassium in vegetative than in reproductive parts, which is the opposite of nitrogen and phosphorus. It affects the water regime of plants, activates enzymes, stimulates the growth of young tissue, stimulates the work of ferments, all of which contributes to plants’ greater resistance to disease and lodging.

Elixir Zorka complex fertilizers contain potassium (expressed as K2O) derived from potassium chloride or potassium sulfate, which is water-soluble and easily accessible to plants.


20 Ca Calcium

Calcium belongs to the group of necessary secondary, regulatory macroelements, responsible for the structural and physiological stability of plant tissue, division and cell growth. Calcium is very important for fruits and vegetables because it affects the strength of fruits and their quality for the needs of keeping, storage and transport.

12 Mg Magnesium

Magnesium is a key secondary macroelement for plant growth and development because it is an integral part of the chlorophyll molecule and greatly influences the process of photosynthesis. The presence of magnesium contributes to better fertility and the quality of plant crops.

16 S Sulfur

Sulfur belongs to a group of necessary macronutrients and constituent elements. This secondary element is an integral part of protein and affects its construction in plants while the further significance of this element is reflected on its impact on the proper development of plants, better nitrogen utilization, increased plant resistance to pathogenic organisms and resistance to stress conditions such as drought, high and low temperatures.

Elixir Zorka complex mineral fertilizers are enriched with secondary elements and thus provide complete nutrition to plant crops during all stages of development contributing to better product quality and an increase in yield.


5 B Boron

Boron is a microelement that forms a structural part of the cell wall, necessary for normal development and functioning of generative organs, that is, differentiation of floral origin, blossoming, fertilization, implantation and development of fruits.

29 Cu Copper

Copper is an element which is an integral part of chlorophyll and therefore plays an important role in photosynthesis as well as other catalytic processes in plant cells.

25 Mn Manganese

Manganese is a microelement that is extremely important for photosynthesis, has a leading role in chloroplasts and is important for assimilation and nitrogen metabolism.

26 Fe Iron

Iron participates in numerous plant life processes: chlorophyll synthesis, nitrogen metabolism, breathing, photosynthesis. Iron requirements are relatively small at about 1500-2000 grams per hectare, but its availability due to alkaline-carbonate soils or irrigation water (pH> 7) is significantly reduced.

20 Cn Zinc

Zinc is a microelement that is part of auxin, the most important hormone for regulating plant growth therefore this microelements key role comes out during the plants growth and vegetation.